Saturday, January 30, 2010

Nat3500th's Handmade Flop Easy

The Flop Easy

For you guys who don't know what a Flop Easy is, it's a Floppy Cube modification. It was first created by Tony Fisher and I decided to make one out of spare Floppy Cube parts I had leftover from my Super Floppy Cubie Chaos.

It's really easy to make. Just take out to corners from a Floppy Cube in such a way that there's a ribbon shaped cuboid left behind. Then just sticker it. Really easy, that's why it's called a Flop Easy.

I used sticker imported from Germany, cheap and good. They look nice too. I used a Super Floppy Cube to make this, so it should be called a Super Flop Easy. It's so awesome.

Why is it super? Basically any Floppy Cube with a 'Super' in front of it means that it can make quarter turns instead of it's usual half turns. So that means that solving will be harder as it can shape-shift by another level and have parity errors that can be solved with less than 10 moves.

So...the Flop Easy is a puzzle any newbie to puzzle making can make. It's pretty cool and easy to solve to, and if you have a Super Flop Easy, it's even cooler.

Anyways here's a breif tutorial on how to solve it.
Normal Flop Easy
1. Turn into ribbon shape with a solid coloured cross
2. Solve the corners like you would on a normal Floppy Cube

Super Flop Easy
1. Same as Normal Flop Easy
2. Same as Normal Flop Easy
3. Permute the edge pieces which may not allow you to get Step one done.

See how to make a Flop Easy here.

More pics of this puzzle below.
Half Twist

Another Twist

Some more twists
Fish shape pattern

A proper scramble

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My handmade 3x3x4 Extended review(not really)

My 3x3x4 Extended

I made this puzzle about 2 weeks ago, although I remember it was my first creation when I started puzzle making. I made prototype way back 2 years ago and it wasn't too good, and I got busy with other creations, so I kinda forgot about this one. Thankfully, I suddenly remembered it and I got straight to making it. And yes, this is the final version. You need to understand 2 terms here. Fully Functional(sometimes just spelled as FF, not to be confused with Final Fantasy)and Extended.

Fully Functional puzzles are puzzles that are very
hard to make but have layers can can all be twisted. Extended puzzles like my 3x3x4 Extended are basically puzzles that have been extended with extra or modified pieces so that it gives the viewer the false impression that it's 3x3x4 when it's actually a 3x3 with an extra layer glued on.

This puzzle turns really well, I lubed it with silicone. The pieces are painted and the cuboid itself looks really professional, although some white remnants of superglue can be seen on the green side. It's also a speedcub-oid as it has adjustable screws. I didn't adjust any of them though.

Don't think that making this puzzle is THAT easy. It requires sawing and sanding(optional if you want a smooth turning product). Making this only took me around a quarter of an hour to make it, so no big deal, really and 2 3x3 cubes was all I needed. I used a hand saw and super glue. I also used a rough stone tablet for sanding down pieces 'cause I'm too lazy to get proper sandpaper.

I'll sell this one for 15 SGD. I can also make another one for you for the same price. Just drop a comment stating that you want one. You can see how this puzzle works here. There are some pictures below to give you a better understanding on how this puzzle works.

Some pics below can hint to you how to make this puzzle.

It's a speedcuboid!

Modified Edge Piece

Another view of modified edge piece

Modified Corner Piece

Another view of modified corner piece

The centre piece of the extended layer. I used an extra corner piece and sawed off the bump protruding out and glued the piece onto the center cap of the yellow layer.

A scrambled 3x3x4 Extended

Monday, January 25, 2010

Review of my current speedcube, the Brains Cube

The Brains Cube

My friends have asked what kind of cube do I use, why is it so smooth and where can they get one. So I hope this review answers those questions, and others you may ask in the future.

This is my current speedcube. Yes I know it looks like a China made cube, which IS true. I've faced with many horrid China - made cubes, but however, this cube is an exception. This cube is well worth my 5 SGD.

First of all, let's get to the cons of this Brains Cube(which is what the manufacturer called it). Well, there is ONLY 1 PROBLEM with this cube, which is pleasantly surprising from a country that's notorious for it low-quality products. THE STICKERS ARE CRAPPY. In the first 3 solves you'll have some stickers FLYING(not just peeling)off this cube. I've replaced the stickers after 5 days of solves - the cube was orange(think about it).

So now it's the pros. This cube is just awesome. You'll be satisfied whether you're a speedcuber or just someone random solver.

First, the cubies have a pretty sui generis colour - orange, instead of your usual black or white. (as seen on left)

The turning of this cube is perfect. It feels natural to turn, and your hands or wrists(or both)won't get tired even after 500+ solves(with breaks of about 20 secs in between each solve). It was
pre-lubed with silicone spray, meaning to say the manufacturer wasn't lazy to lube the cube before selling. So you shouldn't touch your container of vaseline or can of silicone for this puzzle.

The ability to cut corners for this cube is superb. You'll have no problems cutting 35 to 44 degree turns. How cool is that? Really helps for speedsolves. (see right)

It's a speedcube!

The best part is that it's a speedcube! Screws are adjustable to the cuber's liking, but for me, I'll just stay with the tightness of the screws when I bought the cube.

So if you ask me, ultimately this a cube you WANT to try getting. It's has only 1 minor flaw and with so many plus points, I'll say it's worth my cash.

Score : 4.8 out of 5

Where to get : There is no specific location, but I guess the provision shops near the HDB estates should carry this product.

Price : 5 SGD to 7 SGD

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Hello people! If you're viewing this blog you probably
1. Have seen my youtube channel which has the link to this blog
2. Know me in person

So this blog as you can guess is based on cubes. It's for people to come and see what Asia's cubes have to offer. Some are great, some are just down right stupid. I'll review cubes, give you guys the latest news about cubing etc., pretty much anything related to cubing!

This blog will have pictures, videos, etc. starring cubes! *Applause*. Since I make my own puzzles, viewers will also have a glimpse of some of the nice puzzles I make. I'll try to make this blog as interesting as possible, filled with colourful pics and vids worth remembering. Hahas.

So I hope you'll enjoy browsing through my blog and have fun!


P.S. Comments will be entertained(please be mindful on your choice of words, meaning to say no undesirable language).