Monday, June 7, 2010


Well actually the hols for me started a week ago, heh heh. And so far I've been frantically trying to complete assignments -_- School really thinks I'm so free.

And I get that feeling where you have so much work you just don't feel like doing it. So I'm busying myself with games. I wonder if I've told you guys this, but I've gotten Avalon Code and New Mario Bros. for the DS. And most recently, The World Ends With You. All of the listed games are kickbutt awesome.

I went out with my friend yesterday and had a hell of a time laughing and joking while making our selection at a games store. Of course, I was the one paying. It was his last year Christmas and this year's birthday presents I was getting for him. Got him Disgaea DS and Rondo of Swords. Heard they were reasonably good games. And I cashed out 100% of it, $45.

So anyways, I'm relatively busy, with around 22 assignments(and still counting). Darn. And I still have tuition, man the hols are uber messed up. Thanks homework, thanks a lot.

Heh...I guess I'm gonna play Avalon Code and The World Ends With You a lot during the hols tho. Who cares about homework, just get it done, and have it presented well.

On a completely unrelated note, my eldest sis is coming back from Scotland this Wednesday! ^^ She was studying overseas and is coming back for vacation. Yay. And we'll be going to Korea together. Heh.


Signing off,

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