Thursday, May 20, 2010

Woah, that was long.

Hey guys I took so freaking long before I posted something new. Truth be said, I've not been paying attention to my blog, more attention(or if not all)had been directed to my Youtube channel. Sub to me!

Currently I've been busy with games. Hahaha. Yeah I'm a game addict, I admit. Now I'm playing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Ring of Fates. Then after that I'll get to Final Fantasy III and then all my other games. Haha.

So cubing related stuff. Hmm...not much. I'm learning Intermediate OLL to kinda boost my speed. I've been getting thrashed in school. Hmm everything else cube related will be explained in this video. Oh and see this too! It's cool! Lol.

So...yeah I'll try to keep this site updated, but I'm really busy and I still plan to direct most of my attention to my Youtube channel.

Nat3500th signing off.

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