Yeah, it's 2:53 a.m. I can't sleep. Actually I slept at 9 p.m. and woke up about 45 minutes ago, and since I haven't blogged in a while, I guess I should do it.
I can officially solve my Square - 1! Yay! That includes parity. I mem-ed the algorithm in 10 minutes, which isn't so bad to me. I timed one of my solves and I got a timing of 2:54:47. Not as bad as I expected, so yeah.
Spirit Tracks(hums Zelda theme). It's great so far. Perfect music(maybe not as good as Castlevania's)and has nice twists to the story. Pretty much all the ratings on game websites are right with the score - it deserves anything from 8.7 and above. Personally I would give it a 9.3/10. It's that awesome. If you ever get the chance, pick it up. stomach's rumbling. Which makes me think of NCC yesterday. Very exhausting, and I didn't eat a filling lunch. Yep, it's my after school activity. And yesterday was the first day we had to wear our uniform. That think green looking - ultra - manly - and - cool uniform. Basically the army uniform. We had to march in it, and we were sweating our butts off. The uniform wasn't the best at making you feel cool(no pun intended).
Haha, there's a Geography test today, accessing us on our map skills. I guess I'll do fine. I'm just worried bout my Chinese spelling. Always fail at it :( But this time I practiced, so I hope I'll pass this time, albeit not with flying colours.
Argh...yesterday we were expecting our Math test results but didn't get it. Suspense kills. But not that I really think of my results all the time(in fact I don't at all). And today we may get our History test results, and I hope I did better than the past one. I got a 3/10.
And today I'm having my English Oral examination. I'm not too shabby myself, I will admit, but I'm still scared. 0.0
And today will be a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally long day. Oh well, I guess I just have to pull through....
P.S. I feel like rustling up a snack. Maybe instant noodles...hmm...*stomach growls*
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