Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hi again!

Yeah, it's 2:53 a.m. I can't sleep. Actually I slept at 9 p.m. and woke up about 45 minutes ago, and since I haven't blogged in a while, I guess I should do it.

I can officially solve my Square - 1! Yay! That includes parity. I mem-ed the algorithm in 10 minutes, which isn't so bad to me. I timed one of my solves and I got a timing of 2:54:47. Not as bad as I expected, so yeah.

Spirit Tracks(hums Zelda theme). It's great so far. Perfect music(maybe not as good as Castlevania's)and has nice twists to the story. Pretty much all the ratings on game websites are right with the score - it deserves anything from 8.7 and above. Personally I would give it a 9.3/10. It's that awesome. If you ever get the chance, pick it up. stomach's rumbling. Which makes me think of NCC yesterday. Very exhausting, and I didn't eat a filling lunch. Yep, it's my after school activity. And yesterday was the first day we had to wear our uniform. That think green looking - ultra - manly - and - cool uniform. Basically the army uniform. We had to march in it, and we were sweating our butts off. The uniform wasn't the best at making you feel cool(no pun intended).

Haha, there's a Geography test today, accessing us on our map skills. I guess I'll do fine. I'm just worried bout my Chinese spelling. Always fail at it :( But this time I practiced, so I hope I'll pass this time, albeit not with flying colours.

Argh...yesterday we were expecting our Math test results but didn't get it. Suspense kills. But not that I really think of my results all the time(in fact I don't at all). And today we may get our History test results, and I hope I did better than the past one. I got a 3/10.

And today I'm having my English Oral examination. I'm not too shabby myself, I will admit, but I'm still scared. 0.0

And today will be a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally long day. Oh well, I guess I just have to pull through....


P.S. I feel like rustling up a snack. Maybe instant noodles...hmm...*stomach growls*

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My birthday(nighttime now)!

Yawn! I'm tired. Looks like the 2 cups of coffee don't have any effect on me.

Sigh, today has been a great day. Received loads of wishes. Especially from my classmates, family members and relatives. It's expected from these people, the ones who see you everyday or week. But thanks guys, it really made my day, it's the thought that counts.

As for those who didn't wish me, I'll still wish you something on your birthday when I know of it. I'll probably give you something too. Sorry if I'm unfair to the people who I didn't give anything to for the previous birthdays.

So now, I've just finished adjusting my cube to have perfect tension, works like a dream now(at least more like dream, no longer a hellish nightmare, there were tons of lock - ups before adjustment). And in my previous post, I ask if i should get Yoshi's Island DS or New Super Mario Bros. The final verdict?

None of the above.

I got Spirit Tracks. :)

It's great, I've and still am enjoying every moment of it. It is more mature themed, compared to previous games, but in a mild way that will make you smile and blush. Haha some scenes were priceless(not perverse scenes). And the game's really great, a lot better than Phantom Hourglass, which was also an awesome game.

Well, I just it has ultimately been a great day for me, and I'm officially 13 now(I was born at around 8 at night). I want to sleep now, nights to you all!

So, it's Nat3500th signing off,
Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye! XD

It's my B-day!

Hey guys. It's my birthday today! Yay!

And I'm going to spend it doing homework. -_-.

But that's not my point! I'm happy today(see my :D). Haha! And more importantly I realised last Saturday why I am so cherished. My mom had to go through a lot for me when I was in a womb, 13 years back. She was advised by a doctor to abort me due to some reason, but she said that she would take care of the child no matter how he or she would turn out. That really touched me.

And it turned out that I'm special gift -- 3 girls before me, and suddenly a prince! Haha, and I didn't get aborted, so I owe it all to my mom. If she had chosen to abort me...well...

Everyone is important anyway, I'm not saying that this means I'm the king of the world or so to speak.

Anyways, I would like to thanks everyone who has wished me Happy Birthday! It really means a lot to me guys.

So now I'm officially 13! Yay! A teenager!

And on a completely unrelated note, I can solve my Square - 1 with parity! I've discovered a way to only get one case, out of the usual two!

That's great, and today I maybe getting a new DS game. Hmm...Yoshi's Island? New Super Mario Bros.? Only time will tell...

Signing off,

Friday, April 9, 2010

Feeling lazy...

Hey, yeah I'm feeling what I'm feeling in the title.

I'm tired. I've completed Dawn of Sorrow. My current cube sucks. Nothing to do. Lazy and bored. Niiiiice(sarcasm)combo.

Heh, today we had some NCC event and I was forced to eat the leftovers of the noodles. Man, teachers are so...bad. They forced me. And so did my staff. Haha. Almost choked to death.

Hmm...have nothing much to blog about. I'm loaded with assignments for the weekend, and I'm packed for both Saturday and Sunday with other events. Just my luck...

Oh yeah I beat Shanyin97 at 3x3 today. Haha I should have the challenge video up soon so please remember to check it out. If you want, that is.

Haha, maybe(definitely) next time,

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Yay! I can solve the Square - 1. Well, at least most of it. I can't solve the annoying parity. I kinda cheat at it - I mess up the whole puzzle and solve it from scratch, hoping that the parity won't occur again. The parity algorithms below, crazy isn't it?
Top view
of top layer
Bottom view
of bottom layer

/ (-3,0) / (0,3) / (0,-3) / (0,3) / (2,0) / (0,2) / (-2,0) / (4,0) / (0,-2) / (0,2) / (-1,4) / (0,-3) / (0,3)

/ (3,3) / (-1,0) / (2,-4) / (4,-2) / (0,-2) / (-4,2) / (1,-5) / (3,0) / (3,3) / (3,0)

Haha other than solving cubes and other related puzzles I've been studying and been busy with school. I've been missing some hours of sleep too, but it's not cause of school! Haha, I have been hooked onto my DS, playing Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow, and I think that it really deserves the E3 game of the year award! IT'S JUST PURE AWESOME-NESS ZAPPED ONTO A DS CARD.

I've also been trying my luck at Super Castlevania IV, and it's just as addictive as DoS, just a lot harder(in fact DoS is waaaaaaaaaay too easy).

Mid year exams are coming soon, so preparation will obviously take up the time which I had dedicated to making videos, playing games and cubing. Probably video making and cubing will go for now, somehow video games aren't something I'm willing to give up.

I'm also trying some old school games like Secret of Mana and Super Metroid. They're all great.

Well I guess that's it. And by the way I've changed the focus of this blog. It won't be all about cubing. :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Augh... know what's worse that not being able to solve a puzzle? Not being able to solve a puzzle which is exactly the same size as a Rubik's Cube.

The Square - 1. Just looking at it makes me wince.

Okay, maybe the Star Prism is a little better than the Square - 1 in ticking me off with it's really difficult...difficulty, the Square - 1 is one of those puzzles where you just can't stop trying to solve but just can't solve it.

So yeah, I'm using Thrawst's Tutorial on YouTube to kinda get me to be able to solve the Square - 1. My problem is I can't do the parity algorithm which is so long. And the algorithms are presented in the form of numbers, which makes memorising them even harder. Argh...thinking about them makes my head hurt. And I have the bad feeling that I have to memorise all cases for bringing the edges into the right layer. If you know how to solve a Square - 1, you'll get what I mean.

This puzzle has been torturing me for almost a year, but yeah, I have made some progress. At least now I can read notation without messing up and I can't solve the Square - 1 with the help of the algorithm sheet, with some problems I'm trying to overcome. Good luck with me...

Man, I aim to be able to solve one without any help but the end of this month. :) Or maybe by my birthday, which is on 11th of April. Yay...

Haha, me signing off now,