Friday, April 9, 2010

Feeling lazy...

Hey, yeah I'm feeling what I'm feeling in the title.

I'm tired. I've completed Dawn of Sorrow. My current cube sucks. Nothing to do. Lazy and bored. Niiiiice(sarcasm)combo.

Heh, today we had some NCC event and I was forced to eat the leftovers of the noodles. Man, teachers are so...bad. They forced me. And so did my staff. Haha. Almost choked to death.

Hmm...have nothing much to blog about. I'm loaded with assignments for the weekend, and I'm packed for both Saturday and Sunday with other events. Just my luck...

Oh yeah I beat Shanyin97 at 3x3 today. Haha I should have the challenge video up soon so please remember to check it out. If you want, that is.

Haha, maybe(definitely) next time,

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