Friday, April 2, 2010

Augh... know what's worse that not being able to solve a puzzle? Not being able to solve a puzzle which is exactly the same size as a Rubik's Cube.

The Square - 1. Just looking at it makes me wince.

Okay, maybe the Star Prism is a little better than the Square - 1 in ticking me off with it's really difficult...difficulty, the Square - 1 is one of those puzzles where you just can't stop trying to solve but just can't solve it.

So yeah, I'm using Thrawst's Tutorial on YouTube to kinda get me to be able to solve the Square - 1. My problem is I can't do the parity algorithm which is so long. And the algorithms are presented in the form of numbers, which makes memorising them even harder. Argh...thinking about them makes my head hurt. And I have the bad feeling that I have to memorise all cases for bringing the edges into the right layer. If you know how to solve a Square - 1, you'll get what I mean.

This puzzle has been torturing me for almost a year, but yeah, I have made some progress. At least now I can read notation without messing up and I can't solve the Square - 1 with the help of the algorithm sheet, with some problems I'm trying to overcome. Good luck with me...

Man, I aim to be able to solve one without any help but the end of this month. :) Or maybe by my birthday, which is on 11th of April. Yay...

Haha, me signing off now,

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