Saturday, June 12, 2010

V Cube 3(??)/ HB CUBE 3 Review

Finally another review on my blog. Heh heh I guess I haven't done a written review in a while, so here's one. There's a lot of excitement on the V Cubes, especially the V Cube 3x3(if there is such a thing).
So first and foremost I would like to clairfy this. I dubbed this puzzle the V Cube 3 cause at the back of the boxing, it said that this puzzle was made by the same dude who made the V Cubes. I'm not sure if this is true, but I'm certain 95% that this is false. As you can see on the boxing, the name is HB CUBE 3.

It's a pretty cool cube, first off. It's transparent and the inside is modelled after a Ghosthand, so it's basically a Ghosthand with transparent cubies. Heck, you can even see the screws and springs!

So it's cool. I got 2 of this. One yellow and one green. I prefer the green one cause it's my fav colour. It works well even before lubrication, so no complaints there. In fact, I'll say it's good enough to be a speed cube. However, it does lock up a bit here and there. So...I guess it's cause my finger movements aren't in sync.

On the aesthetic side, the stickers aren't bad. They're of a texture that doesn't allow the cube to slip of your fingers during a frantic solve. The orange and red are a bit close people who are color deficit(like me), bear that in mind if you plan to get this cube.

Any cool features? Yes. Every cubie is hollow and has a cap that can be remove, so if you remove all, you kinda have a hollow cube. It's pretty creative. However the green cube has it's caps popping out so much that I have glued the caps on.
One of these cost me 3 SGD, pretty worth the price.

Currently I don't know where this cube can be purchased. I bought the last 2 off the shelf. Sorry guys.

Nat3500th signing off!

Monday, June 7, 2010


Well actually the hols for me started a week ago, heh heh. And so far I've been frantically trying to complete assignments -_- School really thinks I'm so free.

And I get that feeling where you have so much work you just don't feel like doing it. So I'm busying myself with games. I wonder if I've told you guys this, but I've gotten Avalon Code and New Mario Bros. for the DS. And most recently, The World Ends With You. All of the listed games are kickbutt awesome.

I went out with my friend yesterday and had a hell of a time laughing and joking while making our selection at a games store. Of course, I was the one paying. It was his last year Christmas and this year's birthday presents I was getting for him. Got him Disgaea DS and Rondo of Swords. Heard they were reasonably good games. And I cashed out 100% of it, $45.

So anyways, I'm relatively busy, with around 22 assignments(and still counting). Darn. And I still have tuition, man the hols are uber messed up. Thanks homework, thanks a lot.

Heh...I guess I'm gonna play Avalon Code and The World Ends With You a lot during the hols tho. Who cares about homework, just get it done, and have it presented well.

On a completely unrelated note, my eldest sis is coming back from Scotland this Wednesday! ^^ She was studying overseas and is coming back for vacation. Yay. And we'll be going to Korea together. Heh.


Signing off,

Monday, May 24, 2010

New puzzles? And selling others?

Yo yo yo. I finished Ring of Fates!


Random. Heh heh. Yeah, so I have completed it, and now I'm playing XII Renevant Wings, but not like it's that important(and the game isn't too good either).

Anyways, moving on to cube related stuff, I got a fully functional 3x3x4 from check it out)and a Rubik's Domino, also known as the 3x3x2. I've always wanted these two puzzles. And guess what? The shop I normally patronise really put more interest into cubing. The new 9x9 and 11x11 were out of stock by the second day! Whoa.

The shop also carried so many rare puzzles I had thought I could only obtain online. The shop keeper said he ordered and is selling. That explains everything.

Well I can't list everything the shop is carrying now and what it would have coming in stock, but I plan to get the Cubic 3x3x5, the Skewb variations and the 8 sided puzzles(don't know what they're called. Octahedrons right?).

Wait I forgot I got a Ghosthand 3x3! It's awesome. It has some design differences compared to other cubes and the stickers are a bit awkward, but it's a great cube for both one hand and regular solving. And it cost me less than 10 SGD.

My average time for the 3x3 gas dropped cause of the Ghosthand and the 3x3x4 was a bit tough to figure out(took me a day). The 3x2x2 was easy, albeit you have to execute more moves than for a 3x3, with the method I use.

This is Nat3500th signing off!

And here's the link to the shop's info in case you're interested to drop by. Look at the first address, not the 2nd and 3rd.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Woah, that was long.

Hey guys I took so freaking long before I posted something new. Truth be said, I've not been paying attention to my blog, more attention(or if not all)had been directed to my Youtube channel. Sub to me!

Currently I've been busy with games. Hahaha. Yeah I'm a game addict, I admit. Now I'm playing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Ring of Fates. Then after that I'll get to Final Fantasy III and then all my other games. Haha.

So cubing related stuff. Hmm...not much. I'm learning Intermediate OLL to kinda boost my speed. I've been getting thrashed in school. Hmm everything else cube related will be explained in this video. Oh and see this too! It's cool! Lol.

So...yeah I'll try to keep this site updated, but I'm really busy and I still plan to direct most of my attention to my Youtube channel.

Nat3500th signing off.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hi again!

Yeah, it's 2:53 a.m. I can't sleep. Actually I slept at 9 p.m. and woke up about 45 minutes ago, and since I haven't blogged in a while, I guess I should do it.

I can officially solve my Square - 1! Yay! That includes parity. I mem-ed the algorithm in 10 minutes, which isn't so bad to me. I timed one of my solves and I got a timing of 2:54:47. Not as bad as I expected, so yeah.

Spirit Tracks(hums Zelda theme). It's great so far. Perfect music(maybe not as good as Castlevania's)and has nice twists to the story. Pretty much all the ratings on game websites are right with the score - it deserves anything from 8.7 and above. Personally I would give it a 9.3/10. It's that awesome. If you ever get the chance, pick it up. stomach's rumbling. Which makes me think of NCC yesterday. Very exhausting, and I didn't eat a filling lunch. Yep, it's my after school activity. And yesterday was the first day we had to wear our uniform. That think green looking - ultra - manly - and - cool uniform. Basically the army uniform. We had to march in it, and we were sweating our butts off. The uniform wasn't the best at making you feel cool(no pun intended).

Haha, there's a Geography test today, accessing us on our map skills. I guess I'll do fine. I'm just worried bout my Chinese spelling. Always fail at it :( But this time I practiced, so I hope I'll pass this time, albeit not with flying colours.

Argh...yesterday we were expecting our Math test results but didn't get it. Suspense kills. But not that I really think of my results all the time(in fact I don't at all). And today we may get our History test results, and I hope I did better than the past one. I got a 3/10.

And today I'm having my English Oral examination. I'm not too shabby myself, I will admit, but I'm still scared. 0.0

And today will be a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally long day. Oh well, I guess I just have to pull through....


P.S. I feel like rustling up a snack. Maybe instant noodles...hmm...*stomach growls*

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My birthday(nighttime now)!

Yawn! I'm tired. Looks like the 2 cups of coffee don't have any effect on me.

Sigh, today has been a great day. Received loads of wishes. Especially from my classmates, family members and relatives. It's expected from these people, the ones who see you everyday or week. But thanks guys, it really made my day, it's the thought that counts.

As for those who didn't wish me, I'll still wish you something on your birthday when I know of it. I'll probably give you something too. Sorry if I'm unfair to the people who I didn't give anything to for the previous birthdays.

So now, I've just finished adjusting my cube to have perfect tension, works like a dream now(at least more like dream, no longer a hellish nightmare, there were tons of lock - ups before adjustment). And in my previous post, I ask if i should get Yoshi's Island DS or New Super Mario Bros. The final verdict?

None of the above.

I got Spirit Tracks. :)

It's great, I've and still am enjoying every moment of it. It is more mature themed, compared to previous games, but in a mild way that will make you smile and blush. Haha some scenes were priceless(not perverse scenes). And the game's really great, a lot better than Phantom Hourglass, which was also an awesome game.

Well, I just it has ultimately been a great day for me, and I'm officially 13 now(I was born at around 8 at night). I want to sleep now, nights to you all!

So, it's Nat3500th signing off,
Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye! XD

It's my B-day!

Hey guys. It's my birthday today! Yay!

And I'm going to spend it doing homework. -_-.

But that's not my point! I'm happy today(see my :D). Haha! And more importantly I realised last Saturday why I am so cherished. My mom had to go through a lot for me when I was in a womb, 13 years back. She was advised by a doctor to abort me due to some reason, but she said that she would take care of the child no matter how he or she would turn out. That really touched me.

And it turned out that I'm special gift -- 3 girls before me, and suddenly a prince! Haha, and I didn't get aborted, so I owe it all to my mom. If she had chosen to abort me...well...

Everyone is important anyway, I'm not saying that this means I'm the king of the world or so to speak.

Anyways, I would like to thanks everyone who has wished me Happy Birthday! It really means a lot to me guys.

So now I'm officially 13! Yay! A teenager!

And on a completely unrelated note, I can solve my Square - 1 with parity! I've discovered a way to only get one case, out of the usual two!

That's great, and today I maybe getting a new DS game. Hmm...Yoshi's Island? New Super Mario Bros.? Only time will tell...

Signing off,

Friday, April 9, 2010

Feeling lazy...

Hey, yeah I'm feeling what I'm feeling in the title.

I'm tired. I've completed Dawn of Sorrow. My current cube sucks. Nothing to do. Lazy and bored. Niiiiice(sarcasm)combo.

Heh, today we had some NCC event and I was forced to eat the leftovers of the noodles. Man, teachers are so...bad. They forced me. And so did my staff. Haha. Almost choked to death.

Hmm...have nothing much to blog about. I'm loaded with assignments for the weekend, and I'm packed for both Saturday and Sunday with other events. Just my luck...

Oh yeah I beat Shanyin97 at 3x3 today. Haha I should have the challenge video up soon so please remember to check it out. If you want, that is.

Haha, maybe(definitely) next time,

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Yay! I can solve the Square - 1. Well, at least most of it. I can't solve the annoying parity. I kinda cheat at it - I mess up the whole puzzle and solve it from scratch, hoping that the parity won't occur again. The parity algorithms below, crazy isn't it?
Top view
of top layer
Bottom view
of bottom layer

/ (-3,0) / (0,3) / (0,-3) / (0,3) / (2,0) / (0,2) / (-2,0) / (4,0) / (0,-2) / (0,2) / (-1,4) / (0,-3) / (0,3)

/ (3,3) / (-1,0) / (2,-4) / (4,-2) / (0,-2) / (-4,2) / (1,-5) / (3,0) / (3,3) / (3,0)

Haha other than solving cubes and other related puzzles I've been studying and been busy with school. I've been missing some hours of sleep too, but it's not cause of school! Haha, I have been hooked onto my DS, playing Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow, and I think that it really deserves the E3 game of the year award! IT'S JUST PURE AWESOME-NESS ZAPPED ONTO A DS CARD.

I've also been trying my luck at Super Castlevania IV, and it's just as addictive as DoS, just a lot harder(in fact DoS is waaaaaaaaaay too easy).

Mid year exams are coming soon, so preparation will obviously take up the time which I had dedicated to making videos, playing games and cubing. Probably video making and cubing will go for now, somehow video games aren't something I'm willing to give up.

I'm also trying some old school games like Secret of Mana and Super Metroid. They're all great.

Well I guess that's it. And by the way I've changed the focus of this blog. It won't be all about cubing. :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Augh... know what's worse that not being able to solve a puzzle? Not being able to solve a puzzle which is exactly the same size as a Rubik's Cube.

The Square - 1. Just looking at it makes me wince.

Okay, maybe the Star Prism is a little better than the Square - 1 in ticking me off with it's really difficult...difficulty, the Square - 1 is one of those puzzles where you just can't stop trying to solve but just can't solve it.

So yeah, I'm using Thrawst's Tutorial on YouTube to kinda get me to be able to solve the Square - 1. My problem is I can't do the parity algorithm which is so long. And the algorithms are presented in the form of numbers, which makes memorising them even harder. Argh...thinking about them makes my head hurt. And I have the bad feeling that I have to memorise all cases for bringing the edges into the right layer. If you know how to solve a Square - 1, you'll get what I mean.

This puzzle has been torturing me for almost a year, but yeah, I have made some progress. At least now I can read notation without messing up and I can't solve the Square - 1 with the help of the algorithm sheet, with some problems I'm trying to overcome. Good luck with me...

Man, I aim to be able to solve one without any help but the end of this month. :) Or maybe by my birthday, which is on 11th of April. Yay...

Haha, me signing off now,

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I'm back! Woops, sorry.

Hey guys, I know it's been a really, really, really long while since I've posted anything. Heh, sorry.

So, life has been really fast - paced and I don't know if I've said this before, so I'll just say it, my YouTube channel has priority over this blog. So yeah, if you want updates on cubes and puzzle related stuff, you can always subscribe to me.

Subscribe to Shanyin97 too. He's my schoolmate and friend and we do puzzle solving. I'm better at most of the puzzles, except for the Megaminx 'cause I've forgotten how to solve one. How sad right? Well I can see he's busting with potential and talent. And Shanyin, if you're reading this, good luck memorising the F2L algorithms!

So I've decided to do both reviews and weekly posts on how my cubing life is going. And this post is going to share with you what has happened today, which was quite...devastating.


Okay, it isn't that bad, I still have a Hybrid and a Type F, and I'm getting a Type A and another Type F. So yeah, it all happened when I was showing off to Shanyin(who sits infront of me in class)the Petrus Method and Science teacher saw me pulling of finger tricks and wasn't in the least bit impressed. In fact she got mad(like all teachers do). And you can guess the rest.

So now I'm back to using my Type F.

Haha. You can see the videos I've hyper-linked. Remember to rate and comment!

So yeah, it's Nat3500th signing off!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Nat3500th's Handmade Flop Easy

The Flop Easy

For you guys who don't know what a Flop Easy is, it's a Floppy Cube modification. It was first created by Tony Fisher and I decided to make one out of spare Floppy Cube parts I had leftover from my Super Floppy Cubie Chaos.

It's really easy to make. Just take out to corners from a Floppy Cube in such a way that there's a ribbon shaped cuboid left behind. Then just sticker it. Really easy, that's why it's called a Flop Easy.

I used sticker imported from Germany, cheap and good. They look nice too. I used a Super Floppy Cube to make this, so it should be called a Super Flop Easy. It's so awesome.

Why is it super? Basically any Floppy Cube with a 'Super' in front of it means that it can make quarter turns instead of it's usual half turns. So that means that solving will be harder as it can shape-shift by another level and have parity errors that can be solved with less than 10 moves.

So...the Flop Easy is a puzzle any newbie to puzzle making can make. It's pretty cool and easy to solve to, and if you have a Super Flop Easy, it's even cooler.

Anyways here's a breif tutorial on how to solve it.
Normal Flop Easy
1. Turn into ribbon shape with a solid coloured cross
2. Solve the corners like you would on a normal Floppy Cube

Super Flop Easy
1. Same as Normal Flop Easy
2. Same as Normal Flop Easy
3. Permute the edge pieces which may not allow you to get Step one done.

See how to make a Flop Easy here.

More pics of this puzzle below.
Half Twist

Another Twist

Some more twists
Fish shape pattern

A proper scramble

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My handmade 3x3x4 Extended review(not really)

My 3x3x4 Extended

I made this puzzle about 2 weeks ago, although I remember it was my first creation when I started puzzle making. I made prototype way back 2 years ago and it wasn't too good, and I got busy with other creations, so I kinda forgot about this one. Thankfully, I suddenly remembered it and I got straight to making it. And yes, this is the final version. You need to understand 2 terms here. Fully Functional(sometimes just spelled as FF, not to be confused with Final Fantasy)and Extended.

Fully Functional puzzles are puzzles that are very
hard to make but have layers can can all be twisted. Extended puzzles like my 3x3x4 Extended are basically puzzles that have been extended with extra or modified pieces so that it gives the viewer the false impression that it's 3x3x4 when it's actually a 3x3 with an extra layer glued on.

This puzzle turns really well, I lubed it with silicone. The pieces are painted and the cuboid itself looks really professional, although some white remnants of superglue can be seen on the green side. It's also a speedcub-oid as it has adjustable screws. I didn't adjust any of them though.

Don't think that making this puzzle is THAT easy. It requires sawing and sanding(optional if you want a smooth turning product). Making this only took me around a quarter of an hour to make it, so no big deal, really and 2 3x3 cubes was all I needed. I used a hand saw and super glue. I also used a rough stone tablet for sanding down pieces 'cause I'm too lazy to get proper sandpaper.

I'll sell this one for 15 SGD. I can also make another one for you for the same price. Just drop a comment stating that you want one. You can see how this puzzle works here. There are some pictures below to give you a better understanding on how this puzzle works.

Some pics below can hint to you how to make this puzzle.

It's a speedcuboid!

Modified Edge Piece

Another view of modified edge piece

Modified Corner Piece

Another view of modified corner piece

The centre piece of the extended layer. I used an extra corner piece and sawed off the bump protruding out and glued the piece onto the center cap of the yellow layer.

A scrambled 3x3x4 Extended

Monday, January 25, 2010

Review of my current speedcube, the Brains Cube

The Brains Cube

My friends have asked what kind of cube do I use, why is it so smooth and where can they get one. So I hope this review answers those questions, and others you may ask in the future.

This is my current speedcube. Yes I know it looks like a China made cube, which IS true. I've faced with many horrid China - made cubes, but however, this cube is an exception. This cube is well worth my 5 SGD.

First of all, let's get to the cons of this Brains Cube(which is what the manufacturer called it). Well, there is ONLY 1 PROBLEM with this cube, which is pleasantly surprising from a country that's notorious for it low-quality products. THE STICKERS ARE CRAPPY. In the first 3 solves you'll have some stickers FLYING(not just peeling)off this cube. I've replaced the stickers after 5 days of solves - the cube was orange(think about it).

So now it's the pros. This cube is just awesome. You'll be satisfied whether you're a speedcuber or just someone random solver.

First, the cubies have a pretty sui generis colour - orange, instead of your usual black or white. (as seen on left)

The turning of this cube is perfect. It feels natural to turn, and your hands or wrists(or both)won't get tired even after 500+ solves(with breaks of about 20 secs in between each solve). It was
pre-lubed with silicone spray, meaning to say the manufacturer wasn't lazy to lube the cube before selling. So you shouldn't touch your container of vaseline or can of silicone for this puzzle.

The ability to cut corners for this cube is superb. You'll have no problems cutting 35 to 44 degree turns. How cool is that? Really helps for speedsolves. (see right)

It's a speedcube!

The best part is that it's a speedcube! Screws are adjustable to the cuber's liking, but for me, I'll just stay with the tightness of the screws when I bought the cube.

So if you ask me, ultimately this a cube you WANT to try getting. It's has only 1 minor flaw and with so many plus points, I'll say it's worth my cash.

Score : 4.8 out of 5

Where to get : There is no specific location, but I guess the provision shops near the HDB estates should carry this product.

Price : 5 SGD to 7 SGD

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Hello people! If you're viewing this blog you probably
1. Have seen my youtube channel which has the link to this blog
2. Know me in person

So this blog as you can guess is based on cubes. It's for people to come and see what Asia's cubes have to offer. Some are great, some are just down right stupid. I'll review cubes, give you guys the latest news about cubing etc., pretty much anything related to cubing!

This blog will have pictures, videos, etc. starring cubes! *Applause*. Since I make my own puzzles, viewers will also have a glimpse of some of the nice puzzles I make. I'll try to make this blog as interesting as possible, filled with colourful pics and vids worth remembering. Hahas.

So I hope you'll enjoy browsing through my blog and have fun!


P.S. Comments will be entertained(please be mindful on your choice of words, meaning to say no undesirable language).